eu-LISA Industry Roundtable


The upcoming edition of the Industry Roundtable will focus on cloud technologies. It will take place during two full days, on 11 and 12 of June in Antwerp, Belgium but it will also be streamed online.

The event, entitled, ‘Going to the cloud: Why it matters for the EU public sector and how to make it work’ is organised in cooperation with the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

Over recent years, cloud technologies have become increasingly popular in the public sector due to their ability to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the delivery of public services.

Without any doubts this complex new environment brings alongside with it several challenges and opportunities. This Industry Roundtable will focus on how the existing cloud solutions can address key topics such as:

  • Ensuring security, privacy and sovereignty
  • Interoperability and standardisation
  • Cloud adoption models for the public sector in the EU
  • On-premise hosting VS off-premise and hybrid hosting
  • Network performance and responsiveness optimisation
  • Digital transformation and innovation

Through presentations and discussions, participants will gain insight into the EU position for cloud technologies, the differences between the several available cloud options as well as their advantages and limitations. Additionally, they will learn from practical experiences in other public organisations in order to have a better and deeper understanding of how this new thriving technology may be applied to their own particular use-cases.