Day 1: 11 June 2024 [10:00 – 16:30] – (Times expressed in CET)

Venue: A room with a zoo, (Koningin Astridplein, 20-26, Antwerp, Belgium)
09:30 – 10:00

Registration and welcome coffee

Master of ceremonies: Aleksandrs Cepilovs , Research Officer


Opening remarks

10:00 – 10:15

Agnès Diallo, Executive Director


10:15 – 10:30

Philippe Rosseel, Director Internal Support and International Relations

Federal Public Services Home Affairs – Belgium

10:00 – 10:30
10:30 – 11:00

Keynote presentation

Georgii Dubynskyi, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

(Online intervention)

Session I. Setting the Scene.

11:00 – 11:30

Manuel Mateo Goyet, Deputy Head of the Cloud and Software Unit

DG CONNECT, European Commission

11:30 – 12:00

Uku Särekanno, Deputy Executive Director for Information Management and Processes


11:00 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:30

Coffee break

Panel discussion

Manuel Mateo Goyet, Deputy Head of the Cloud and Software Unit

DG CONNECT, European Commission

Uku Särekanno, Deputy Executive Director for Information Management and Processes


Jakub Mayer, Acting Head of Digital Solutions Operations Department


Panel moderator:
Joris Vankeerberghen, Head of Smart Hosting Platform Sector


12:30 – 13:30
13:30 – 15:00

Lunch break

Session II. Cloud sovereignty: The hyperscalers’ perspective

15:00 – 15:20

Supporting public institutions in cloud adoption

Jean-Christophe Chauvet, Director Presales and Bid Management


15:20 – 15:40

Microsoft cloud for sovereignty

Pieter Kestelyn, Senior Cloud Solutions Architect


15:40 – 16:00

AWS digital sovereignty: More control and choice without compromise

Mustafa Isik, Chief Technologist for Sovereign Cloud

Amazon Web Services

16:00 – 16:20

Meeting cloud sovereignty expectations: sharing lessons learned
The hyperscaler’s perspective: Oracle

Damien Rilliard, Senior Director EMEA Sovereignty Lead

15:00 – 16:30

Day 2: 12 June 2024 [09:00 – 15:40] – (Times expressed in CET)

Venue: A room with a zoo, (Koningin Astridplein, 20-26, Antwerp, Belgium)
08:30 – 09:00

Registration and welcome coffee

Master of ceremonies: Javier Galbally, Senior Research Officer


10:20 – 10:45

Coffee break

Session IV. Sovereign cloud adoption models and their interoperability

10:45 – 11:15

Migrating EMA’s workloads to cloud

Stylianos Dolopikos, Head of Cloud Acceleration Service

Ioannis Theodorakakos, Enterprise Network Architect, Cloud Acceleration Service


Christian Zahorski-Philippe, Head of Cloud Transformation Services for Public Sector


11:15 – 11:35

Moving to cloud in the EU: Practical solutions for critical applications

Antoine Duchaussoy, Solutions Engineering Manager


11:35 – 11:55

Renato Nascimento, Sales Director for EU institutions

Lukas Casier, Cloud Advisory Senior Manager


11:55 – 12:15

Edge-to-cloud sovereignty, on your terms – Sovereignty and interoperability enablers of public sector cloud adoption

Colin Taylor, Hybrid Cloud Strategist

Hewlett Packard Enterprise
10:45 – 12:30
12:30 – 14:00

Lunch break

15:30 – 15:40

Closing of the event